
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..."

Matthew 28:19

Jesus came to rescue people- everyone on earth matters to Him. Although mission is a lifestyle that we strive to live every day within our homes, communities and workplaces, the following are just a few of the significant relationships that we have made in effort to be a resource to the community locally, as well as a messenger and servant to the community globally. Come and join this exciting journey with us!


Acts 29

Acts 29 is a diverse, global community of church-planting churches characterized by theological clarity, cultural engagement and missional innovation.

Pregnancy Help Center

PHC is a ministry to women with crisis pregnancies that seeks to help them understand the truth about abortion, inform them of their options, and know that they are loved by both PHC and God.

Every Village

Every Village is working tirelessly to see holistic transformation throughout South Sudan—envisioning  access to clean water, every village being impacted by radio, and every village with missionaries making disciples & planting churches.

Houston Church Planting Network

HCPN is a network of networks committed to strengthening church planters to multiply churches that reach every man, woman and child in the greater Houston region.

Global Mission Engagement

Guatemala, China, Africa, India....to the ends of the earth.
These are some of the global, high-impact, long-term relationships we have connected with around the world.

Church Planting

Crossings Community Church is part of the Acts 29 network, a diverse, global family of church-planting churches characterized by theological clarity, cultural engagement and missional innovation. Acts 29 is a network which is known for:
  • Planting churches that plant churches
  • Pursuing holiness and humility
  • Being a radically diverse and global community
  • Praying for conversions through evangelism

Renaissance Church - Richmond, TX

Crossings is a missional church that announces the kingdom of God through church multiplication. We recently had the incredible blessing to send out Chris and Casey Kipp along with a few other families to launch
Renaissance Church in Richmond, Texas!

The mission of Renaissance Church: We exist to glorify God and make disciples by bringing the gospel into all of life in all the earth.

Encourage our active missionaries.

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.